We are in the business of storytelling, but not just on behalf of our clients. We’re interested observers in the fast-changing worlds of PR, media, branding, business and entertainment. We don’t just watch, read and listen, we create content, offering an insider’s take into the how, why and when of the communications business – including challenges, triumphs and fiascos.

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The Work To-Do List Item We Should All Add

Following-up has always been a part of business and life. But it has never been like this. We’re chasing, reminding, nudging or just plain being annoying more than ever just get basic things done. Think about it. How much of your day do you spend hounding people just to get back to you? Chances are … Continued

What A Lemon Taught Me About Being a Client

After more than 20 years of working with clients on litigation communications projects, I became a litigant. I learned that it’s no fun at all. The whole saga started 14 months ago, when I started a lease on a new car and on the day I took delivery, a piece of vital technology in the … Continued

FLASH: DC Finally Listens To Its Customers

(Spoiler Alert: If you have not seen the movie, plan to read this after watching it). When we meet with a new or prospective client the number one thing we do is listen. Because no matter our experience or familiarity with the industry sector, we need to first hear and appreciate goals, objectives and needs … Continued

Beware of Finger Pointing Toward PR Counsel

The best podcasts aren’t just a conversation between a host and guest. They involve you, the listener, too, by really getting you thinking. If you work in news, PR or politics, this one will do just that. It’s CNN’s Brian Stelter talking with Steve Schmidt, the former John McCain campaign strategist who has gone public … Continued

Until Networking Events Return, We Have LinkedIn

As many professionals transitioned from in-person business card exchanges to virtual networking over the last year, LinkedIn, perhaps more than any other social media platform, has allowed meaningful collaboration and relationship-building to continue from our remote work locations. While the pandemic has certainly impacted our “where” and “when”, we still have our “why” – our … Continued