We are in the business of storytelling, but not just on behalf of our clients. We’re interested observers in the fast-changing worlds of PR, media, branding, business and entertainment. We don’t just watch, read and listen, we create content, offering an insider’s take into the how, why and when of the communications business – including challenges, triumphs and fiascos.

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Until Networking Events Return, We Have LinkedIn

As many professionals transitioned from in-person business card exchanges to virtual networking over the last year, LinkedIn, perhaps more than any other social media platform, has allowed meaningful collaboration and relationship-building to continue from our remote work locations. While the pandemic has certainly impacted our “where” and “when”, we still have our “why” – our … Continued

Mom Always Did Know Best

While it is important for all of us to consider our professional brand – including how we develop, communicate it and market what we do in business – it is as important (if not more so) to underscore our personal brand. That includes defining and consistently exhibiting who we are and what we stand for. … Continued