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Politics Aside, Character and Behavior Will Still Matter

Back before Zoom and Teams, it was a little tougher, sometimes, to pick up on what someone’s tone indicated. But in the conversation I remember most from the early days of Donald Trump’s first presidency, it was probably a combination of devil’s advocacy, an attempt at humor in a challenging moment and genuine curiosity. I … Continued

Will Soros Investment Affect Your Local News?

Three years ago this week, radio station owner Entercom enjoyed a stock price of $187.80. Five weeks later, in March 2021, the company, which owns 227 local stations and also podcast production companies, renamed itself Audacy. Today, in bankruptcy, its stock is trading for 15 cents per share. Just last week, the investment firm that … Continued

Political News: The New King Of Content

In 30 years of working in and around the media business, I don’t remember seeing anything like the seismic moves we saw in recent months with government and political journalists in Michigan. It was a reshuffling of editors and reporters that affected, at last count, seven news organizations, as movement between them led to a … Continued

We Live In Talking Points Nation

I’ll admit that when I started in the PR business, after working in broadcast news, I wasn’t totally sure what “talking points” were. That seems unimaginable now. The term wasn’t at all mainstream in the ’90s. I don’t think I ever heard it in a newsroom or read it published anywhere. I quickly learned that, … Continued

Business and Politics Mix. Here’s How It’s Different Now.

Business and politics don’t mix, you say? How quaint. And how naive. Yes, we’re seeing much more commentary, especially from major employers, when it comes to political and social issues now that this iceberg is visible above the water’s surface. But big and small business have long, probably always, had a voice in political issues. … Continued