While we use this blog to contemplate and, we hope, initiate dialogue, we also use this platform to critique, suggest and, perhaps not often enough: praise. As we approach the end of the year and ready for another – Tanner Friedman’s seventh in business – we thought it fitting to go out on a positive note with not a holiday but rather a ‘thank you’ card of sorts:
To our clients: Thank you for your trust and support. Many of you have been with us since Day One (before even) as recognize and appreciate that our firm has only your best interests in mind as we work hard to meet your goals and business objectives.
To our strategic partners: Thank you for playing a vital role on our team. Whether for graphic design, video, printing, photography or day-to-day media relations and account work, you make us seamlessly better.
To our friends in the media: Thank you for recognizing that our firm forever operates on behalf of our agency and our clients with honesty, integrity and ‘respect for the in-basket’. That you trust us and the information and access we provide is gratifying. We also greatly appreciate your approaching us for thoughts and expertise on media and marketing stories you prepare.
To our PR brethren: As our firm continues to take a leadership role with the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), it is quite rewarding to build new relationships while strengthening existing ones – both on the agency and corporate side. We enjoy giving back to the industry while also referring business back and forth. Thank you.
To our Tanner Friedman team members: A heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you. You have made our first six years in business rewarding in so many ways. We work hard but all enjoy coming to work every day. Our team work simply cannot be beat.
To All: We have been honored to collaborate with you and look forward to continuing to do so in 2013 and beyond. Happy New Year from Tanner Friedman.