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The Baseball Strike Communications Lesson That Lingers

Thanks to news coverage, I know that I’m writing this post 25 years to the day after the monumental Major League Baseball strike. That helps me remember something I learned then that is still relevant now. The players went on strike after the games on Friday night. On Saturday morning, I was producing a local … Continued

Mueller Report Demonstrates: Be Careful What You Retweet

This week I downloaded the Mueller Report and began reading it voraciously. And though I am far from finished reading it word from oft-redacted word, I was immediately shocked by the sheer degree of Russian interference in our democracy and in our election. In particular when it came to social media meddling, the Report demonstrates … Continued

Earning the APR: A Dedication to PR Skills and Professionalism

From the earliest days of press agentry (Boston Tea Party anyone?) to the current unwavering appetite for transparent communication expected by online audiences, the public relations field has prevailed as critical to informing stakeholders and creating mutually beneficial relationships. Despite this longstanding tradition, even the most “Pollyanna” of PR professionals recognizes the field’s enduring perception … Continued

Media Made Mothman Mainstream – in 1966

Big Foot. The Loch Ness Monster. The Abominable Snowman. All are a part of folklore and legend yet some believe are entities existing outside the realm of traditional science or nature. Like UFOs, they are typically considered by mainstream society and certainly the media with tongue-in-cheek – at worst hoaxes and at best misunderstood but … Continued

America Must Think, Talk, Act as One

Scary. Disheartening. Tragic. Wrong.  All of us can come up many, many more words and sentiments to describe what has transpired not just in past days but years and decades in this country. But what do we do with those words and sentiments – most recently with possibly race-related events in Baton Rouge, Minneapolis and … Continued