We are in the business of storytelling, but not just on behalf of our clients. We’re interested observers in the fast-changing worlds of PR, media, branding, business and entertainment. We don’t just watch, read and listen, we create content, offering an insider’s take into the how, why and when of the communications business – including challenges, triumphs and fiascos.

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Social Media Now: Who Do You Trust?

Chances are you found this piece via social media. Thank goodness for small miracles. And if you work in any communications sector, chances are you’ve talked about social media today. Maybe you’ve even banged your head against the wall because of it. Since the advent of these platforms, this may be the most challenging moment … Continued

Fasten Your PR Seatbelt In 2025

Somehow, for the past 20 years, no matter how choppy things get in the media business, the water has been inviting, calm and warm, relatively speaking, in the PR business. But it sure seems like 2025 is going to be the year when change is going to catch up to the PR business. There are … Continued

Farewell to “The New Guy?” Already?

Wait. Weren’t we just the new guys? While the memories of my return home to Detroit, just as Devin Scilian was getting situated in part of, then all of, the anchor chair gradually vacated by the legendary Mort Crim, are fresh, that really was more than 28 years ago. And, somehow, this is Devin’s last … Continued

Politics Aside, Character and Behavior Will Still Matter

Back before Zoom and Teams, it was a little tougher, sometimes, to pick up on what someone’s tone indicated. But in the conversation I remember most from the early days of Donald Trump’s first presidency, it was probably a combination of devil’s advocacy, an attempt at humor in a challenging moment and genuine curiosity. I … Continued

The Wake-up Call For Everyone in PR and Media

It was an unexpected line in a conversation from a potential PR client: “We’re going to want some news coverage. I don’t believe any of that anymore, but we’re going to want it.” But maybe I shouldn’t have been surprised when he said it to me a few weeks ago. The trends sure point in … Continued