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If What You Do Is In Project 2025, Prepare Now To Communicate

This isn’t about pointing to a boogeyman. We’re not in that business. This is about sound communications counsel that you can just as easily ignore as you can heed. Here it is simply: If you’re in a leadership position and your area of professional responsibility is mentioned in Project 2025, it’s time to prepare for … Continued

American Airlines Tragedy Shocks and Appalls

As we remember and mourn those who tragically lost their lives this week in Washington, D.C., we are reminded of how such events should be approached, communicated and processed, and, how they should not be. American Airlines CEO Robert Isom was immediately visible and detailing events and information in real time, expressing “deep sorrow,” a … Continued

When Communicating Change Make Sure Your Ducks Are In a Row

In the world of change management and crisis communications, knowing your audiences, messaging them effectively and understanding proper outreach protocol can make the difference between doing things right and having things go horribly wrong. In the case of Stripe, a global tech company based in San Francisco, announcing termination notices to its employees became almost … Continued

Will the Sun Eventually Set on TikTok?

When considering the Supreme Court ruling and today’s news cycle, the answer to the question posed in this blog’s headline is: it’s anybody’s guess. Despite an official governmental ban effective as of today, the platform may have been provided potential “new life” thanks to comments by the incoming president. As for what the long-term future … Continued

Social Media Now: Who Do You Trust?

Chances are you found this piece via social media. Thank goodness for small miracles. And if you work in any communications sector, chances are you’ve talked about social media today. Maybe you’ve even banged your head against the wall because of it. Since the advent of these platforms, this may be the most challenging moment … Continued