The Detroit 300: We're Taking Our Streets Back

The Detroit 300, the community activist group co-founded by Raphael Johnson and WCHB radio personality Angelo Henderson, this week publicly expressed outrage and a resolve to take back their neighborhoods; this in the wake of more senseless shooting deaths involved children and a 2012 Detroit murder rate already higher than all of last year’s.

During a press conference and later media appearances, including emotional discourse on Fox-2’s “Let It Rip”, Johnson in particular pledged that the group would do their part to end the violence by stepping up and beefing up patrols in crime ridden neighborhoods. Importantly, he called upon Detroiters, especially those living in the affected areas, to reverse a mindset of fear and/or complacency and join in the fight.

Good for the media for giving up significant air time and print space to promote the group’s message and mission. Good for The Detroit 300 for their dedicated efforts. And, good for Johnson, who some have argued, came across as too militant. Others, however, concede that when a particular situation, such as this, is so bad and out of control, one must sometimes fight fire with fire. Not gunfire, but rather, “ammunition” provided by a community of like-minded neighbors working toward positive change. No more looking the other way. No more keeping mouths shut. No more allowing thugs to rule the night and ruin lives.

At a time when city resources, including in public safety, are stretched to their limits, the time has absolutely come for the citizenry to become more involved, collaborating with law enforcement, rather than working against it. Of course, one doesn’t have to live within Detroit’s city limits to also show support. From participating in patrols to providing a range of supplies and resources, we can all get involved in some way. After all, aren’t all of us living in this region in this together? You’ve heard the why. Now find out how: