This week’s terrorist acts in Paris, centered around the French satirical weekly newspaper Charlie Hedbo, have once again underscored how misguided and outrageous acts perpetuated by proponents of radical Islam just really are. While bringing temporary fear, in the end they once again accomplished the very opposite of what they intended – serving instead to unite the world against them and their heinous acts.
Just consider the fallout for Charlie Hedbo. Nothing can ever bring back those staffers so callously murdered. Yet, once struggling with a typical circulation of 60,000 issues per run, the January 14th issue of the paper will see a million copies printed and distributed (and no doubt purchased and read worldwide) – thanks in no small part to donations of between $1-$2 million from the likes of the French government and Google’s press innovation fund. This money will also serve to assist with underwriting ongoing operations for the once fledgling media outlet.
Moreover, T-shirts, banners and signs showcasing the message: “Je Suis Charlie” (French for: “I am Charlie”) have gone viral across the globe, with celebrities, including NBA stars, publicly wearing t-shirts to communicate solidarity and support of freedom of speech, religion and thought.
The Charlie Hedbo incident is tragic but far from isolated. In 2005, the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten sparked worldwide controversy and protests when it published 12 editorial cartoons depicting Muhammad. A plot to firebomb the paper was even uncovered and foiled, yet, several hundred people still lost their lives in demonstrations and other acts of violence across the world. And, more famously, Salman Rushdie’s Satanic Verses, published back in 1988, instantly saw a bounty placed on the author’s head by the supreme leader of Iran.
Perhaps most importantly, in the wake of such terrorist actions, true Muslims and followers of Islam are speaking out publicly against those who would compromise their religion. On this week, NBA Hall of Fame legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar put it well: “I and other Muslims long for…the day when these terrorists praising Mohammad or Allah’s name as they debase their actual teachings are instantly recognized as thugs disguising themselves as Muslims.” Powerful words and further proof that through it all, the pen and virtue are truly the mightiest of weapons.