It was not that long ago, in the early days of the web, that we would often hear someone we were suggesting a website to say, ‘My kid has a friend who can put one together for me.’ With Web 2.0 and beyond bringing greater sophistication and technical know-how, thankfully that is largely a thing of the past. Today, though, it seems, everyone is billing themselves as a social media expert. Are all created equally?
We would argue vehemently that that is hardly the case. But don’t take our word for it. Considering enlisting counsel for yourself or your company? We suggest vetting your candidates carefully through the following due diligence:
- Are case studies available that demonstrate tangible results generated from a particular strategic campaign?
- Has this entity been quoted in the media on social media and/or been published on the subject? Ask to see or seek out clips.
- Have they ever been asked to formally present to a business group on the topic? Where, when and for whom?
- Be sure to conduct a thorough Google search on this company or individual in order to thoroughly research their social media pedigree and experience.
Just as what you communicate through social media should be honest, ethical and of value to your constituents, you want your strategic partner to truly provide those same dynamics. Doing your homework will help you identify the good while avoiding the bad and the ugly.