The purpose of our Tanner Friedman blog is to showcase, discuss and debate all manner of “strategic communications”, be it in the marketplace or the workplace. Regarding the latter, I’ve written previously about “the golden rule” and the importance, in particular for managers, of setting an example, largely in general terms and themes.
I recently came upon more specific thoughts on this area by author and communications coach, Cyndi Maxey, who has compiled an outstanding list covering: “10 Things That Make a Bad Manager”. In her introduction, she writes that, “Managers are busy people. But no matter how busy they are, they best make time for their people.” According to management research, she goes on to report, 80% of employees who quit their jobs, do so because of terrible bosses.
For her complete list of “don’ts”, which includes: “Embarrassing Employees in Public” and “Being All-Knowing All of the Time”, go to: She also lists “10 Motivating Musts” for supervisors ready to “get religion”.
Her conclusion on this topc is classic and mirrors what I have communicated to colleagues and written here in the past: “If you manage your employees with consistent use of these ten actions, you’ll eventually find yourself in a very peaceful, quiet workplace. Why? You’ll be alone!”