As I continue to dabble with social media I am continually intrigued by the degree to which individuals use such sites as Facebook, Twitter and the like. On the one hand, some might think of these sites and those of us who utilize them as voyeuristic. After all, do we really need to tell and/or be kept abreast of our friends’ and associates’ every move and whim?
At the same time, these mediums are amazing communications tools that keep us connected and informed, up to the minute and on a wide scale; where we discover old friends and new information. The next time your parents or relatives say to you: “I never hear from you. What are you up to?”, sign them up and add them as a ‘Friend.’ They’ll never wonder again.
Unfortunately, there are still those that don’t understand the purpose of these sites and utilize them to brag incessantly about new business wins and how successful their company is. Anyone with a third grade education knows that the more someone talks about the size of their portfolio, it must be, in reality, very tiny indeed.
This is all both unfortunate and unnecessary as, if done correctly, one can build a social brand for themselves via this medium that, in turn and by association, can also enhance brand equity for one’s business. To be sure, Facebook and Twitter are about being human, genuine, real. Megalomaniacs take note, and leave your business pitches, no matter how subtle, at the door.