Steers and Jeers for Chrysler at NAIAS

You have to give Chrysler credit. Their latest NAIAS stunt was the talk of the show today, even though a couple of amorous longhorns arguably garnered as much attention as the new Ram pickup they helped unveil.

While many smiled and, I have read, some journalists whistled at the actions of the confused heifers, as an animal lover, it bothered me to see 120 steer stopped and tightly grouped for 45 minutes; 10 would have been much more humane. I watched it all unfold live from client Automotive X Prize’s display at the Show.

Any time you work with animals (and I have for a national vehicle launch during Meadowbrook Concours d’ Elegance where we utilized galloping horses), things can be unpredictable. I am still amazed that Chrysler would even consider an outdoor stunt of this magnitude when Januarys in Detroit are typically filled with icy streets and sub-zero temperatures. Instead, the weather cooperated and the Ram scored a ton of publicity.

You might say Chrysler “Dodged” the proverbial bullet.