More than a year ago, I wrote about an overnight TV hit that was taking the network television world by surprise storm: The CW’s Arrow. As Season Two has now come and gone and Season Three will soon complete its Fall run, the show, network and its first spinoff are continuing to stay faithful to both its audience and comic book continuity – to super results.
Already, Arrow has featured major characters such as Roy Harper/Arsenal, (Black) Canary, Deathstroke, Suicide Squad, and Batman arch-nemesis Ra’s al Ghul and his League of Assassins. The show also introduced Central City police scientist Barry Allen (better known as The Flash) last year and has spun the character off and into his own show for 2014-2015 to rave reviews and outstanding ratings. Notable this season has been a prominent story arc with Ray Palmer, who has taken over Queen Consolidated and, last episode, is seen examining a holographic bio-suit looking very much like that worn by The Atom. Oh, and by the way, Ray Palmer is played by Brandon Routh, who played Superman for one movie.
Almost as fun are the liberties Arrow continues to take with characters and settings. On TV, the Emerald Archer’s base of operations is Starling rather than comicdom’s Star City, although in an episode this season, Ray Palmer suggests the city’s name should be renamed from the former to the latter. Also, from the beginning, Oliver’s pet name for his sister Thea has been “Speedy” – a nod of course to Green Arrow’s funny paper sidekick. And, Boxer Ted Grant recently made an appearance – not as Wildcat but as a former vigilante with a not-specified costume and handle.
The Internet and social media sites are ever-abuzz with what could or should happen next. Will Laurel eventually take over as the Canary for her recently murdered sister? Will the Atom actually make a costumed appearance; whether on Arrow, Flash, or his own show? And, will rumors of another lesser-know D.C. comics character, Firestorm, come to fruition in the weeks and months ahead? The creative teams behind these shows are keeping us guessing and watching with twists and turns that are often counterintuitive but, for lovers of the genre, always true.