If you view the brand video on the Tanner Friedman website Home Page, you’ll see the term “making connections” in describing our firm’s areas of expertise (click here to take a look). In the world of public relations there are few things as rewarding as bringing clients together on a particular initiative.
Today is Veteran’s Day and client Detroit Public Television has just debuted a new series of video vignettes featuring veterans in the workplace. When we initially heard that programming was being prepared we immediately turned to clients Goodwill Industries, whose “Operation Good Jobs” trains vets and IT firm GalaxE.Solutions who not only has collaborated with Goodwill on that very initiative but whose Chief Security Officer is also an ex-Marine. You can view the series here.
And, tomorrow morning, Tanner Friedman will be ‘ringside’ as the Greatest Show on Earth comes to Detroit Public Schools. In this case, our firm brought together DPS with Feld Entertainment, which we assist in promoting a range of top national shows including the famous Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus. Together, an elementary school attendance competition was put in place with the winning school incentivized by and soon to be treated to an exclusive student assembly filled with show performers. It truly will be a sight – and sound(s) – to behold.
Collaborations. Partnerships. Teamwork. When accomplishing project goals it is often who you know as much as what you know. And when you can build relationships while also achieving specific objectives, so much the better – for all involved.