In PR, Transparency Trumps Unethical Every Time

What is considered ethical behavior in our industry? From interpersonal dialogue between colleagues to communication with media outlets, being forthright, telling the truth, transparency and honesty are all stalwarts of the profession (if not a credo for how one should live).

Examples of unethical PR methodology? Here’s one: Writing a newspaper Op Ed under the guise of a “common citizen” that touts, seemingly in passing, entities that, in reality, the writer is paid to represent (without disclosure). Here’s another: Informing media that a particular event or establishment is poised for celebrity sightings and/or big crowds when, in reality, there is no factual basis for the claims.

Why not merely do what it takes to promote your clients? Why not bend the truth whenever it suits you; after all, who will ever find out?

The truth of the matter is that deception is always discovered. It’s what we tell our clients: never lie and never deceive. It will come back to bite you (and haunt your reputation) in the end.